What we do



Just Men in Recovery will  be accepting Referrals until January 31, 2024. Thank you for your patience.

Peers Support Services

JMIR offers Peer Support and Mentoring services through modeling clean & sober living, membership, outreach, and support meetings to the African-American community.

Client Assistance

Client assistance funds include housing rental assistance and emergency assistance, food assistance, legal support, and DMV fees.


JMIR will expand access to emergency rental assistance for individuals affected by SUD and harmful substance use who are leaving treatment and detox and need stability in order to stay on their path to recovery. We will also offer emergency hotel rooms to BIPOC individuals who are being released from prison.

Harm Reduction Services

Access to Narcan: JMIR will increase access to Narcan to keep onsite at our new office in case of an overdose. Access to Sterile Needles, Tourniquets, and other Sterile Equipment:

JMIR will keep sterile injection equipment on site so that our participants who are still using it have access to safety equipment.



Retreat Sites


Eagle Fern Camp

Menucha Retreat and Conference Center

Fireside Retreat Center

B’nai Brith Camp

Drift Creek Camp

Tunner Retreat Center


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